Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World

Sunday, 31 May 2015


Our two amazing Bretts (1.0 and 2.0) exhibited incredible leadership skills throughout this entire process and I could not be more grateful for everything I have learned from them and the rest our amazing team.

I was fairly impressed at how Brett (1.0) exhibited robust leadership skills by keeping us focused and motivated the whole time we worked on our group presentation.  During this past week time was of the essence, stress levels were high, but Brett kept his cool and gave us a sense of reassurance.  He developed a process, communicated expectations clearly and succinctly, and instilled a positive energy by cracking jokes and encouraging hard work and collaboration, but also building in a little fun and bonding time.  

Likewise, during an exercise at one of the workshops Brett 2.0 pushed the envelope by combining two great ideas into one and inspiring us to work together to integrate them seamlessly and somehow make them work. He also acknowledged the work that everyone put into coming up with great solutions and commended the team for our efforts.  Once we had figured out a solution that was feasible, he surprised us with additional resources that we did not consider.  The limited resources we were working with originally forced us to be more creative and come up with solutions that would fall within our constraints.  It is truly remarkable what we can accomplish with the support of great leaders!


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